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We are working to create a friendly and supportive community - please be kind, be respectful and be a good role model. Welcome curiosity and be generous with your attention to the people around you. Consider the environment -  be mindful when using materials and reuse when possible.​


Studio Rules:

  • Respect the other members of our community, 

  • For studio safety reasons we are an adult (16+) studio. 

  • For studio safety reasons we check-in all people who enter the studio.

  • Be mindful of wasting materials. Take care to store things properly.

  • Treat our equipment with care.

  • No smoking (all kinds of smoking).


Those who are disruptive or disrespectful to the members of this community, will be dismissed from our programs.


Studio Closed Dates:

There may be times that the studio has to close unexpectedly - we will give you as much notice as possible. If closed days are in excess, we will provide make-up days.  


Days that the studio is closed for Member's Hours:

Memorial Day: May 26, 2025

Independence Day: July 4

August break: Closed for 3 weeks maintenance (tbd)

No classes on Thanksgiving Day

Winter break: Dec 5 2025 - Jan 3, 2025​


Studio Etiquette:

No outside clay in the studio please.

Avoid handling other people’s work.


Lost or Damaged Ware:

Occasionally work gets lost or broken, this can happen in a communal studio. Our staff performs their tasks according to best practice and to the best of their ability.  We ask that students be understanding in these situations. Please let us know, however, there is no monetary compensation for lost or broken work.  


Pick-up Policy:

Please pick up your finished work within 1 month.  Lingering work will be removed.



We love compliments but we learn from your critique. We want to hear your suggestions, concerns and complaints. Please talk to us if you are not satisfied with something at the studio and give us the opportunity to address  your concern Please use this link to email: feedback - anonymous feedback can be left in our studio FEEDBACK dropbox.



Specifically for Students taking a Class:

  • Clay, tools, glazes and firings are included in your class tuition. 

  • Refund availible up to 7 day prior to class starting.  No refunds within 7 days of class.

  • No make up days for absences from class.



Specifically for Members:

  • Members must have enough experience that they are familiar with the studio flow and can work independently. 

  • Members must have completed the orientation, read the orientation guide and agreed to terms and conditions/policies of the studio. â€‹


Materials, Firing & Storage:

We have a communal clay model:​

  • There is no charge for clay. We share clay from a communal clay bin.

  • The studio manages clay which ensures that the clay doesn’t dry out and is recycled efficiently (we hope this reduces dust and waste)

  • Monthly firing allowance is 5 lbs (dried greenware weight measured before bisque fire) and $1/lb after.  For reference, a typical bowl would be $1 to fire.


Please talk to us if you are thinking about making a piece greater than 10 inches wide/tall -there are limitations on our firing size. We are not a production facility and reserve the right to limit member’s firings based on size and quantity- this helps enable fair turnaround for everyone’s work.


Members will receive a work-in-progress shelf (36"x12”) and unlocked tool drawer (4” x 12”).


Member Fees:

Member Fees are billed monthly.  Firing fees can be added to the next month’s bill or can be paid separately.  

Please give us 30 days notice before cancellation.  We do not allow pauses or holds to memberships. 


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